Fresh New Cards

Happy Monday everyone! Last week flew by in the blink of an eye but I was able to pick up my new business cards and I couldn’t be happier with them! I went in a different direction this time and I love the results. The cards are duplexed {printing on the front and the back then having them adhered for a double thick weight} and have orange edge painting. I’ve become semi-addicted to this fun upgrade. My printer told me it’s very hard to go back once you’ve started and he wasn’t lying. I used my graph paper pattern on the back and impressed “swiss cottage designs” in a very light gray leaving the illusion of a blind impression without actually going all the way there. I wanted to keep the cards simple but for them to still feel like the brand.

Now on a side note: Going off a tip from a client I started “The Hunger Games” last week. I can’t seem to put these books down, they are so addictive! If you’re looking for an interesting, easy read check them out.